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Containment Protocols



First documented in Djenne, Mali, in 200 B.C., the so-called Time Bomb was discovered in 1933 to be growing at a rate of approximately 0.1% per year. Current theories believe that it was a weapon, designed to destroy the universe, however it was deployed by an aggressor from Anteverse VII who miscalculated the relative differences in time speed between our universes. In roughly 40,000 years this indestructible device will be large enough to pose a threat to our galaxy. As such, GATE launched the unit into space in 1985, trusting that, by this time, humanity will have discovered a way to return the weapon to its creator, or destroy it. Failing that, it will, at least, be considerably further away. IS-0107 is currently passing by Jupiter.


From: Abe Stern <[email protected]>
To: Janet Ross <[email protected]>
[email protected]
I've got some interesting news about IS-0107. Well, perhaps that's not the right word. Maybe the phrase is "distantly terrifying." You see, Janet, it's growing. Not much, about 0.1% per year, but it's a geometric progression. I haven't done the exact mathematics yet, but in about 15,000 years it will be the size of the Earth, which could be inconvenient. Particularly given that it appears to be - conventionally - indestructible.

[email protected]
I did the math too, Abe, and it seems we have 50,000 years until it's larger than our galaxy. Which, given that it cannot be destroyed or dismantled, suggests to me that we need to move this thing as far away from us as possible, as fast as we can.

[email protected]
I can't help but feel, Janet, that in the long term, there isn't anywhere sufficiently far away. This thing will, eventually, destroy our entire universe.

[email protected]
Abe, let's solve for "now," and trust that we'll have the rest of the solution some time in the next 50,000 years, shall we?

[email protected]
Okay, but in 50,000 years we get to do my plan -- Plan B.

[email protected]
You got yourself a deal.

Attachment: planA.jpeg
EmailAttach TimeBombPlanA.png
Compendium entry unlocked: The Time Bomb

Official Media


  • In the Archive Interview, Dr. Janet Ross says that IS-0107 grows "roughly 1% every year". Doing the math however shows that is grows closer to 0.13%, which is a very big difference given the exponential nature of IS-0107.
  • The timeframe given in the Keystone Archive until IS-0107 swallows the known universe is oddly gigantic. 10xE10000000 days is roughly "1 followed by 9999997 zeroes" years. Some Real world current physics theories actually place the end of the universe much earlier, towards the "1 followed by 100 zeroes" mark.
  • Despite the "Aggressive" designation and "Weapon" classification, the bomb theory is still considered a hypothesis by Janet and Abe in the Archive Interview. However, as Abe still says "IC" instead of "IS" (which is an old term), this imply that the assessment was confirmed at a later date.
  • According to the emails between Dr. Janet Ross and Dr. Abe Stern, the latter seem to have a Plan B to deal with IS-0107.