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Containment Protocols

All paperwork found from IS-0060 (paperwork referring to the "Sector 13 Project") is to be filed in a filing cabinet in the IS-0060 cell of Curie Wing and a Security Report must also be filed stating the full name and employee ID of the person who recovered the documents, when they first became aware of the documents, and where the documents were found.


Subject: Who's on IS-60?
From: T. R. Enderson <[email protected]>
To: Derek Manse <[email protected]>
[email protected]
There's a project I've only recently become aware of. It's been assigned as IS-0060, but I can't find any record of who started working on it, or who's responsible for it now. None of the people named seem to have ever worked at any GATE facility I'm aware of. Yet paperwork continues to appear. Who is P. Libwell? Their name comes up a lot on the paperwork.

[email protected]
I looked into it, and honestly, I'm baffled. It's impossible to know what is being talked about in the paperwork. Who wrote this? I wouldn't be surprised to discover this is something to do with Shadowgate. Gatekeeper accountability is a joke.

[email protected]
I thought about that, but it doesn't add up. Gatekeeper reports don't sound like this. And those aren't any GK staff we have on record. Are you SURE none of your staff are working on this?

[email protected]
I am certain none of my team are working on this. I can't even find record of who filed it as IS-0060. I'm sure we'd both remember signing off on that designation. I suggest we don't tell anyone about this until we understand more. Bring it to the next Exec Committee meet.

[email protected]
Agreed. If this is another prank by the Accounting Department, I will raise hell.

[email protected]
And my fellow, I will be right behind you into the breach.

Attachment: sixty.jpeg
Compendium entry unlocked: Sector 13 Project