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See also: Immurement Registry. For its item info, see: The Lost Dog

Containment Protocols

IS-0042 is to be hung on a wall measuring at least 2x2m. It can be viewed safely by GATE personnel, but no works of creative art are to be brought within 20 meters of the subject.

This includes, but is not limited to works executed in paint; hard materials; digital mediums; drawings; and any other format or media employed by any artist previously or now living regardless of whether the item in question has any perceived or agreed artistic merit or explicitly features or represents animals that may or may not resemble dogs.


IS-0042, or the "Lost Dog" is an entity in the form of a dog that inhabit oil paintings of the nymph Callisto. It has been spotted on 13 paintings so far. The dog is not found in any of the original sketches of the paintings. Not much is known about IS-0042 : it is unknown if the dog is the entity itself, if it is aware, or even caged in those paintings.

In-game Presence

the current painting IS-0042 inhabits can be found in the Containment Sector. It can be picked up and placed by the player, as a purely decorative item


Audio log

Dr. Derek Manse reporting, Research Director. Recent attempts to coax IS Oh-Four-Two into a new home have been unsuccessful. We believe the creature - if indeed that word is appropriate - prefers mannerist art, and so provided several potential new pieces for it to inhabit, but to no avail. Dr. Tang wishes to determine whether the entity is trapped in its current environment, inactive, or simply wishes to remain where it is, but his suggestions risk destroying the work in question. I have told him to adjust his methods. Antique artworks aside, I've always been a bit of a dog person. I have no desire to risk harming Oh-Four-Two.


Subject: Were you detected?
From: Rutger Strauss <[email protected]>
To: Hilda Dixon <[email protected]>
[email protected]
This report on 042 is gobbledygook. I only need to know one thing: was the Reubens exchange undetected? Can you confirm this?

[email protected]
It's all in there if you look. We gained access to the MDP, replaced the item and removed the original. The security was laughable and certainly nothing Lenora couldn't handle. The work is in our possession, they're oblivious. Weird dog aside, it's actually a very impressive piece. You should drop by Containment and take a look sometime. I'd love to show it to you.

[email protected]
Apologies if this sounds dismissive, Hilda, but I've got better things to do than look at a painting of a weird dog.

[email protected]
Curiosity killed the cat, huh?

Attachment: rovingmutt.tiff
EmailAttach WereYouDetected.png

Official Media


  • The YouTube short video uses the Sanc echelon, but the compendium uses Solutus (misspelled as "Solatus").
  • The compendium, containment signage, and video all include the designation Invincible. Yet, in the video, Invasive is stated in its place during the assessment section.
    • Given the nature of the entity, it is more likely that Invasive was the intended designation. Both words start with "inv", so it is easy to mix up the abbreviations IN and IV.
  • According to the emails, IS-0042 was stored in a location called MDP and switched with a fake. The real world painting is currently in Museo del Prado, Madrid.