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Dr. Hammond is a Character seen in The Train, keeping the train fueled.


Dr. Hammond and several others were in The Train Anteverse, when Order solders arrived. He is the only surviving GATE employee on the train by the time the player arrives. And actively ignores a Captain's questions, in order to keep the train fueled.



The autosystem should have been failsafe. They said it was immune? We must fix it, but keep it going... it must not stop ... must persist ... at all costs ... We must fix it, but keep it going... It must not stop ... must persist ... at all costs ... The dark lens! They removed it, but did not comprehend the effects! Coal. That's what I must do. Furnace. Fuel this machine! so it continues ... forever.


The train must roll on, yes, no matter what. I cannot rest, must keep going, cannot stop, or we know what will happen, what we've feared, for so long ... all these years ... cannot stop, must keep going.


It never stops, it never ends, it goes on and on... Haa... wait ... no, I must not stop ... it must ... I must ...
Imagine the horror, the chaos, no, I must keep going, no matter what, no matter who ... or how ... it must continue, never cease ...
The train cannot stop... it cannot stop ... it cannot ... Do my team know I'm in here? They'll send somebody? ... to assist? ... but I cannot stop,