Easter Eggs

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This page containts a list of Easter Eggs found by the community.

Unfortunate Spacemen Poster

Item Icon - Unfortunate Spacemen Poster.png

An Unfortunate Spacemen Poster and Unfortunate Spacemen Arcade Machine for the game Unfortunate Spacemen can be found in the Flathill Arcade. This is a reference to a previous game made by Deep Field Games, the developers of Abiotic Factor.

Detour Poster

Item Icon - DETOUR Poster.png

A DETOUR Poster and DETOUR Arcade Machine for the game Detour can be found in the Flathill Arcade. This is a reference to a previous game made by some the developers of Abiotic Factor.

The Dead Linger Poster

Item Icon - The Dead Linger Poster.png

The Dead Linger Poster and The Dead Linger Arcade Machine for the game The Dead Linger can be found in the Flathill Arcade. This is a reference to a previous game made by some of the developers of Abiotic Factor.