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Soup recipes mockup

Item Icon - Full Pot of Water.png
Canned Peas
Raw Pest
Icon - Recipe Arrow.png
Split Pea Soup

Dialogue mockup


I don't think we've met.
What on Earth is going on?


Ahh you are stuck here too eh? I came down from Level 8 for a coffee. Now I'm locked in here for God knows how long. It'll be those fools on Level 3 overreacting again. (Sighs) Looks like Jager's locked out. Typical. See if you can let him in. Maybe he knows what's happened. But take your time. He's insufferable.


If Jager thinks I'm crawling through the vents to let him in, he's got another thing coming.
They always pick the worst possible time to lock the place down.
Kinetics were running a perforation experiment, I know it. Dr. Verenkov is too impatient and look what's happened.

Completion (Cafeteria door opened)

Oh my God. What happened to Jager? He didn't deserve that. I mean, not really.


I'm going to wait here. It's not safe out there.
I'm too old for this.
I've had just about enough of this.

Resistances/weaknesses/immunities icons display

Damage Icon - Blunt Weak.png Damage Icon - Sharp Weak.png Damage Icon - Bullet Strong.png Damage Icon - Fire Immune.png

Damage Icon - Bullet Strong.png Damage Icon - Electricity Immune.png

Damage Icon - Blunt Weak.png