Template:Foodstuff Infobox

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Foodstuff Infobox | name.1 = Raw Pest | image.1 = Item Icon - Raw Pest.png | description.1 = The uncooked head of a Pest. | flavorText.1 = IS-0173 | name.2 = Cooked Pest | image.2 = Item Icon - Cooked Pest.png | description.2 = A cooked Pest. | flavorText.2 = | name.3 = Burnt Pest | image.3 = Item Icon - Burned Pest.png | description.3 = A charred Pest. | flavorText.3 = Well, it's definitely crunchier.

| category = Food and Cooking

| weight = 1 | stackSize = 4 | requirements =

| decayLimit.1 = 60 | decayToItem.1 = Rotten Food | decayLimit.2 = 75 | decayToItem.2 = Rotten Food | decayLimit.3 = 60 | decayToItem.3 = Rotten Food

| researchMaterial = Biological

| scrapResults1Item = Bio Scrap | scrapResults1AmountMin = 1 | scrapResults1AmountMax = 1

| consumableHungerFill.1 = 14 | consumableFatigueFill.1 = | consumableRadiation.1 = | consumableAppliesStatus.1 = Sick | consumableOtherEffects.1 = | consumableHungerFill.2 = 14 | consumableFatigueFill.2 = | consumableRadiation.2 = | consumableOtherEffects.2 = | consumableHungerFill.3 = 5 | consumableFatigueFill.3 = | consumableRadiation.3 = | consumableOtherEffects.3 =