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I personally think we should split the Peccary/ Peccary Sow/ Mushroom Peccary into different pages.

It would be easier to link to a specific variant from other pages (e.g the Milk Sac page could link to specifically the Sow), which would make navigation easier and the relevant information easier to find.

If I were trying to find how to get a Milk Sac, it would be confusing to be linked to the page of a creature that doesn't drop them.

Happy to hear other opinions!

--Ominous (talk) 18:46, 17 May 2024 (UTC)

I'm fine with either way. As long as headers are done properly, you can link to a specific section on a page. That being said, the game is still in EA. And it's possible we'll receive the information log for the other variants later. So I'm for separate pages as well. Since putting it all on the same page now would make the page really long and potentially cluttered. Locket (talk) 19:01, 17 May 2024 (UTC)