Uploads by Crystalon

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:47, 29 June 2024 Flathill Truck Terminal.jpg (file) 175 KB I wonder how Marion made that suit. Do you think he used normal cosplay methods, or did he manage to kill the smaller creatures and steal their skin? 1
00:37, 29 June 2024 Adjustment Wing Entry Terminal.jpg (file) 298 KB Removed HUD for a cleaner image 2
00:25, 29 June 2024 Containment Block Tram Station Terminal.jpg (file) 258 KB Removed HUD for a cleaner image 2
00:09, 29 June 2024 Parking Lot terminal.jpg (file) 201 KB Removed HUD for a cleaner image 2
00:06, 29 June 2024 Manufacturing, Terminal near Security in Garage.jpg (file) 285 KB Removed HUD and changed position to get a cleaner and most identifiable image 2
00:00, 29 June 2024 Surface Tunnel Camp Terminal.jpg (file) 216 KB Remvoed Hazmat suit, added light, and holstered item for a cleaner image 2
23:56, 28 June 2024 Surface Tunnel Office Terminal.jpg (file) 170 KB Remvoed Hazmat suit and holstered item for a cleaner image 2
23:50, 28 June 2024 Fran's Fortress Terminal.jpg (file) 296 KB Removed HUD and added lights for a cleaner image 2
23:44, 28 June 2024 Mapping Center terminal.jpeg (file) 281 KB Removed Hazmat suit for a cleaner image 2
23:34, 28 June 2024 Lot Oversight Terminal.jpg (file) 310 KB   2
01:09, 27 June 2024 Auto-Gun Control Defense Line Terminal.jpg (file) 274 KB I wont deny that when I killed the soldier manning this machine gun, I celebrated by turning his skull into bio scrap, then making a healing syringe out of it. Living a long and happy life is the best revenge. 1
00:56, 27 June 2024 Control Center Terminal.jpg (file) 237 KB You got to give Gate credit, they know how to make really nice work areas. That giant window looking out onto the Dark Lens is pretty awesome. Just don't think about the auto-gun that could swing this direction at aaaaany moment. 1
00:48, 27 June 2024 Tarasque area Terminal.jpg (file) 323 KB I don't know what absolute madlads brought back that monster, but if the Gatekeepers are capable of bringing that back alive, I never want to fight them. 1
00:31, 27 June 2024 Control Center Security Booth Terminal.jpg (file) 298 KB The thought of an X-Ray powered force field machine is one of the coolest ideas I see just casually tossed out by this game. I hope they do more with it in the future. 1
00:21, 27 June 2024 Furniture Store Terminal.jpg (file) 193 KB Contrary to popular belief, there are no chainsaws to be had in the zombie apocalypse. :( 1
00:07, 27 June 2024 Helmholtz Control Terminal.jpg (file) 237 KB Could you imagine working in a little office like this? Right outside your window is a high security checkpoint and a bottomless pit. Coolest office ever. 1
23:53, 26 June 2024 Adjustment Wing Hallway Terminal.jpg (file) 275 KB I wonder if anyone ever used this breakroom. Imagine taking a nap on your 30 minute break while someone is having a meeting right there. That would be a super funny way to rub you having a break in the face of upper management. 1
23:26, 26 June 2024 Lobby 2nd floor offices Terminal.jpg (file) 360 KB You know, if Abe made the Techno-Pest, then why are they suddenly everywhere? Did Abe try to create an army to take over the world, and just decide partway through he no longer cared, then turn them lose? At least he still has his best little pest. I wish I could have a techno-pet. 1
23:12, 26 June 2024 Particle Labs Terminal.jpg (file) 246 KB I've always wondered why the particle labs have that big tree, and the collider is in manufacturing. Its probably because management had to replace the entire lab after the "incident" involving the first Synchrotron. Since they clearly had free space, they decided to liven things up with some greenery. After all, what POSSIBLE harm could the staff do with a vaguely anomalous tree? :) 1
23:06, 26 June 2024 Wildlife Pens Terminal.jpg (file) 290 KB Have you ever thought that the Peccary's name reflects its favorite activity? Giving you a little peck on the cheek... with its teeth. 1
22:43, 26 June 2024 Leyak Containment Terminal.jpg (file) 329 KB Funny story, after entering Cascade Labs for the first time, I didn't even make it here before being stalked by Wheezy (Leyak) for the first time. As soon as I saw that sign on the left, boom. Needless to say, I freaked out and ran home to hide. I'm sure you all know what happened next. It was a rough few in-game days. 1
22:04, 26 June 2024 Tram Station Terminal.jpg (file) 266 KB Anyone else find it funny that the portal to "The Train" is in a tram station, on a catwalk that collapsed on top of a stopped train? The only way we could fit more train in there is if the entire facility is on a giant underground train moving secretly between countries and dimensions. 1
01:56, 21 June 2024 Flathill, Gate Office.jpg (file) 193 KB I know its corny, but Gate's cover story certainly got the whole town in a sticky situation. Sadly, it was anything but sweet. 1
01:49, 21 June 2024 Flathill Portal Terminal.jpg (file) 237 KB Just outside Silo 3, and the Flathill portal. Sometimes, I find myself just humming quietly when I'm getting ready to enter the portal. Its probably fine. 1
01:36, 21 June 2024 Silo 3 Viewing Area Terminal.jpg (file) 308 KB A nice view of the Flathill portal in the background. Um, does that portal look a bit foggy to anyone else? 1
01:28, 21 June 2024 Anteverse II Portal Terminal.jpg (file) 202 KB Right in front of the portal. Does this mean you have to stand on that body to read the email? 1
01:20, 21 June 2024 Level 2 Flooded Office.jpg (file) 262 KB The flooded office right next to the Residence Tram 1
01:15, 21 June 2024 Level 2 Reception Terminal.jpg (file) 268 KB Near the closet that Gaz is hiding in. 1
01:03, 21 June 2024 Data Farm Terminal.jpg (file) 166 KB Level 2 in the Office Sector 1
04:51, 20 June 2024 Plaza Terminal.jpg (file) 320 KB The terminal right outside Warren's Security Booth in the Plaza 1
04:46, 20 June 2024 Starting Area Terminal.jpg (file) 153 KB A screenshot of the computer terminal in the first area of the game. 1