Ru Tang

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Dr. Ru Tang is a scientist at the GATE Cascade Research Facility. He provides the recipe for the Neutrino Emitter.


Ru Tang is a biologist who was known for his ability to discover the unusual properties of xeroflora. Few also knew of his fondness for video games. He became stuck on the roof of the Hydroplant Building as he was making his way to the Reactors Sector when the Order attacked.




I was trying to get down to Reactors, but prudence dictated holing up here, as you may imagine. I can only assume you’re here to utilise the transmitter for some reason. It appears the radiation is blocking the signal. Perhaps you could devise something to shield it, but I’m afraid that’s outside my realm of … ah … expertise.


The way ahead lies beneath us, I’m sure of it. The Reactors Sector is the oldest part of the facility … with any amount of equipment, we can turn to our advantage if we can reach it. It’s also a labyrinth, with access to the rest of the facility, and space far beyond it … place these oafs could not possibly know about … I even hear the Gatekeepers have a way out, somewhere in those depths …
