Janet and Abe

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Dr. Janet Ross & Dr. Abe Stern

Dr. Janet Ross [Calm and Collected Scientist]
Dr. Abe Stern [Eclectic and Digital Simulation Expert]
They are Characters that is seen in Game.

Beckon Dialogue

Abe: That... was a very, very, bad idea.
Janet: Just breathe, Abe... we'll get through this just fine

Abe: We need to shut that place down... Now!
Janet: There's no point, Abe. The patrol will just reset. You know that.

Abe: What is that sound?
Janet: Calm down, Abe.

Interaction Dialogue

Interaction 1

Abe: I'm 83% sure we're doomed.
Janet: You'll have to forgive my colleague, Abe, he's had a bit of a shock. We tried to get out through flathill, and ...well... some people ... died. Then some genius deactivated the Composer containment system. So, clearly, we need to find another exit out of here, and that's looking like Manufacturing West. I don't exactly enjoy the idea, but our options are... limited.

Interaction 2

Abe: Janet, what are we going to do?
Janet: We're going to head through Manufacturing, then take the Surface Tunnel out of here... When you're read, Abe...so... just try to calm down.

Interaction 3

Abe: Manufacturing? It's huge. We'll never make it.
Janet: I told you it was going to get worse before it gets better.

Interaction 4

Abe: Why are you still here, are you insane?
Janet: What are you waiting for? Get to Manufacturing. We'll be along as soon as Abe's... feeling better.

Interaction 5

Janet: Sure Abe, we'll get you your big lasers. Listen, we're not staying here one minute longer than we have to. I just need to look after my colleague first.

Interaction 6

Abe: Their song, it was beautiful. Terrifying, but beautiful.
Janet: Abe, please, pull yourself together.