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Containment Protocols

IS-0102 is to be stored under extreme infectious pathogen protocols, in secure containment within a fully hermetic outer housing. This housing must be flooded with hyper-pressurized, non-expanding flammable gas within 2.5 seconds of an alert with complete ignition and burn complete within 10 seconds.

All researchers must wear complete biohazard protection with independent air systems. Security personnel must be present during all live investigations. In the advent of exposure to the pathogen by any member of staff, security personnel are to prevent those exposed from leaving containment. Live fire is authorized.

Audio log

Note on IS-102. We have determined the bacterio-phage recovered by Lenora's team from Anteverse 16 is a form of symbiote, used by local species to assist mating. You could almost call it a 'love potion'. Preliminary tests show the affects on mammalian biology are extremely traumatic. I have suggested Dr. Tengku NOT include images in her first report, if she wishes to continue her research.

Update on IS-102. Human exposure to the phage has highly negative effects, transforming victims into hyper aggressive, mindless predators. While it encourages breeding in its original hosts, human hosts seem only to consume one another. If there are useful applications of this phenomenon, I am slow to see them. I have given Tengku two weeks to show productive results.


Subject: ZOMBIES
From: T. R. Enderson <[email protected]>
[email protected]
To all staff working on the A16 viral programme: You are NOT to enter the research area unarmed. Whether you're undertaking virological study here at Cascade, working in A16 itself, or doing field research on its unfortunate outbreak in A23, you must carry self-defense equipment at ALL TIMES.