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See also: Immurement Registry. For its item info, see: Antique Shotgun

Containment Protocols

Observe storage protocols for IS-0099 as with any conventional firearm: separate the subject from easily accessed ammunition; always treat the subject as if was loaded; do not point it at anyone; oil and clean it regularly; and test-fire carefully wearing ear and vision protection.

Additionally, when test-firing IS-0099 ensure no personnel are present within a 50m radius and no valuable or sensitive machinery, stores, equipment, weaponry, infrastructure, architecture or structurally significant material is present within a 30° arc extending 2500m downrange.

Audio log

My personal disinclination towards firearms in general leaves me largely underprepared to record anything of value surrounding Oh-Nine-Nine. I am not what you might call "a gun nut." I can tell you it's antique, I can go on about its material makeup, and even tell you how it functions on a chemical level. The answer is: mundanely. This shotgun shows no anomalous properties when held or fired, but it certainly did, at one point in time. We've tried different personnel, brought it back to its place of origin, and tried several types of ammunition. At present, it bruises your shoulder when you fire it. Testing is... ongoing, for now.


  • Using the radius of 2500 meters and the 30 degree arc spread, it can be calculated that the damage area would have covered 1,636,228 square meters or 17,612,207 square feet of destruction. This places the damage to be around that of a megaton of TNT funneled into a single blast.