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IC-0158 is not currently in the Immurement Registry. Team "Waterloo" [GATE] is in charge of documenting and submitting an Immurement Candidate form to Dr. Derek Manse.



The Runt is the result of a gestation experiment in IS-0178. Carefully transported from Anteverse IV in the GATE Florli Wildlife Containment Zone. This specific instance of IS-0178 could not gestate properly under the given conditions, and gave birth to a few mutated and deformed instances of IS-0173. Most of these instances, along with their parent, died in the care of Dr. Moss.

REVIEW([email protected])

Saying they died in the care of Dr. Moss is a bit of a stretch. He is our team leader and responsible for studying Anteverse IV at Florli , amongst other duties, but it's not like he personally cared for each specimen we studied, that's on us. Please change this.

The Runt, similar to the Pest, is a genetically mutated version of IS-0173, which most noticeably lacks the distinctive spiked organs on the back, as well as their purple color. It's beak is heavily deformed, and it also finds itself infected with a virus (we believe) is native to Anteverse IV. It appears to be some necrotic, flesh-eating bacteria, found only in failed gestations of IS-0178, which causes instances of IC-0158.

IC-0158 was studied at Florli during 1992 shortly before the new year, and before the Zeta Reactor Incident, which caused a containment breach from Anteverse IV.

Upon noticing the critical condition of IC-0158, Team "Waterloo" was directed by Dr. Logan Moss to carefully document the specimen instead of trying to care for it's life. It was after this documentation (all of which is attached), that the Zeta Reactor imploded, reaching almost 712.332.000 degrees Celsius on the very inside of it's core. The outside was quote "cool" , and the facility did not realize they were near an imploding core until the perforation experiments escaped safe stability conditions.

REVIEW ([email protected])

While this is true, please refrain from discussing the Zeta Reactor Incident too much. It is currently being investigated and documented inside it's very own archive. Be respectful to those who passed. Some of them were working on this very project.

IC-0158 has the ability to burrow inside flesh-like material, and take motor control functions in under 5 minutes. The teams present at Florli , who were directed to proceed re-containment on 19/06/92, have allowed us to study some of IC-0158's victims, which we still have in storage , as proof to the board. The virus can then quickly become airborne, or manifest itself physically by masses of flesh encumbering any carbon-based material.

REVIEW ([email protected])

I'm attaching the rest of IC-0158 material I've been able to recover, but I'm suspending editing permission until further notice. The Board has not given a reply yet on Immurement induction of this Candidate, but please be aware they have a rather extensive list so far. Happy New Year, and thank you for all you've done.

RE: ([email protected])

It wasn't necessary, there's still so much to document about IC-0158. But we understand and cooperate. The one photographic material we have of IC-0158 was snapped shortly before the events at Florli, and I'm also including one of our vocal tapes while we studied it. We've given up incubation efforts, by my directive alone. We don't want to further spread the virus found at Florli. From now on , I'd also advise you to check any "Pests" you collect for research, to make sure they're not a "Runt". Though I'd rather you use their proper designations from now on.

19/06/1992 - Dr. Logan Moss's voice on tape, documenting the live dissection of IC-0158. Due to it being unable to burrow or attack, it had not yet presented it's infectious traits. The team operated under a sterile environment.


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