Crush Depth Hotfix

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Jump to navigation Jump to search Crush Depth Hotfix is an update released for Abiotic Factor on August 16, 2024.


Progression Changes

  • Added some failsafes to fix progression issues in Security Sector. Reloading the server (or entirely leaving the sector and coming back) should resolve this issue and open the way forward.
  • Fixed some progression skips in Security Sector, where keypads could be interacted with when they should not have been.
  • A large fix has been put in place to try and correct missing triggers if a conversation is interrupted by exiting the area. This should prevent certain progression issues around conversations and buttons that are meant to be interactable. If you experienced a problem that sounds like this, try again now.

New Features

  • Added support for sub-objectives. There are now two major objectives in the game that will show sub-objectives underneath them when viewed on the HUD. These will be obvious to anyone who is familiar with these objectives, but more importantly, new scientists should find it much easier to figure out where to go and what to do once these objectives are reached.
  • There is now a new Gadget Bar on the HUD, which features things like Radiation from a Geiger Counter, Oxygen remaining when swimming underwater, and Jetpack battery and cooldown.

Gameplay Changes

  • A sleepless realm has... shifted slightly. Along with slightly more sensible navigation, GATE portable power stations (or possibly multiple copies of the same one?) have been reported. There are also reports of IS-1057, but we believe these to be fictional manifestations and not proper occurrences... We think.
  • There are other oddities abound in this realm, but nothing to concern yourselves over.
  • Added a skillful “Good” Reload animation to the Wessex Rifle, if your Reloading skill is high enough.
  • Added unskillful “Bad” Reload animation to the Patois Rifle, if your Reloading skill is low.
  • Corrected an issue where the Security Pistol’s “Good” reload was not properly following the normal rules for Good Reload Durations.
  • The Deatomizer has received a sound upgrade.
  • The Energy Pistol has received a sound upgrade.
  • The Magbow has received a sound upgrade.
  • The Portal Toilet now rapidly uh, removes unwanted material, making it much quicker to use than a normal toilet. Hopefully this will entice scientists to sit upon it more frequently, or even urgently.
  • Our top scientists have corrected an unintended blood ritual involving the Portal Toilet. Thank you for your investigations into this matter.
  • Dr. Thule took a look at your so-called Laser Katanas and has optimized the Laser consumption, as well as stabilized the beam. It should perform much better and longer than it could previously.
  • The mushroom pads in the Mycofields seem to have adapted with some kind of bioluminescent material, making them much easier to spot in dark areas.
  • The minimum size the aiming laser dot can be has been increased, disallowing micro-dots, even when Accuracy skill is very high.
  • The Healing Briefcase is now considered a Medical item and can be used from the Medical radial wheel (hold X by default.) It also will not be sorted out by the Distribution Pad.
  • The Tacklebox no longer requires a screwdriver to package or construct.
  • There are rumors that the close-quarters combatants found in the Alps will now sometimes drop their helmets.
  • Defense Bots now have slightly longer respawn times.
  • Moved the red pain flash (when taking damage) to the HUD so that it appears in all conditions, including when special effects are active, such as NVGs or underwater. F10 will now also hide this effect, as it hides all HUD elements.
  • Updated Keypad Hacker icons

Accessibility Changes

  • The Flashlight/Lantern flicker effect has been reduced some.
  • Added an Accessibility option for disable Flashlight Flicker, which will entirely stop this effect. (Note: If you toggle this on during the effect, this will still require the effect ending before it takes effect.)

Other Fixes

  • Added no-build zone where Anteverse 23 is entered so that the destination cannot be accidentally blocked.
  • A snowy portal destination now allows respawning at the entrance if you die while within it.
  • Your hard-earned Hydroplant ID Card should no longer should appear blurry in some situations.
  • The Facility trams are now color-coded and have other details to help scientists identify where they lead at a glance.
  • Fixed a hole in the Facility near a radioactive pool along a tram route.
  • Impact Hammer no longer has the Consume option on its context menu. Please do not ingest hammers.
  • Fixed an issue where the laser dot would not show up properly on some enemy combatants. Fixed Night Vision Goggles causing a very bright and never-ending light to appear after teleporting. Magnificent.
  • Added a HUD controls prompt to show Steady Aim (Hold Breath) when zooming in with a scoped weapon. This will steady the swaying motion more, depending on your Accuracy skill.
  • Charging Stations have a new completion beep and it now beeps once every 20 seconds, instead of rapidly. Removing the item will end the beeping.
  • Set up or updated the potential salvage items for the following items: Karate Helmet, crafted Storage Crates (all), Makeshift Spear, Makeshift Screwdriver, Hazard Crates, Small Ramp, Ramp, all Battery types, and the Magazine Stand.
  • Improved reliability of an emergency broadcast playing its sound properly when first entering Anteverse 23.
  • The Quill Rifle now requires a Vibrant Exor Arm to repair, instead of a regular one.
  • Fixed the bug where threat sensor outline still visible after taking off Cascade Armors.
  • The Crowbar 2.0 can no longer violently interrupt the sleep of a fellow scientist, hurtling them off into the great beyond.
  • Improved plant ropes and their ability to pull scientists out of water when they are deployed over water.
  • Snipers no longer keep their laser toggled on when giving scientists a good (well-deserved) kick.
  • Modified sniper fire distant audio for better readability.
  • Enemies can now more reliably perform their intended idle actions, resulting in more door banging, for starters.
  • Fixed an anomalous visual issue causing the Wessex Rifle magazine to clip through the weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where the Chef’s Counter would not be deployable via the right-click context menu.
  • Added missing icons for at least one item -- no spoilers!
  • Fixed a pop in a Quill Rifle reload animation.
  • Fixed the hold poses for Exor Quills.
  • Fixed several issues/exploits where certain items would award the wrong type of melee XP, or award infinite melee XP when used on certain objects.
  • Fixed a typo in the Fog Lantern buff description.
  • Fixed an anomalous GATE Security Crate in the Security Sector. This crate has had its identity sorted out and should be unlockable now -- with the right key.
  • Note: If you spot any bright pink non-openable crates, please report them, as they will be exhibiting this same issue.
  • The Talagi Magnum has been scaled up in third person, slightly.
  • Fixed an anomalous visual issue with the Snow Gloves.
  • Fixed an anomalous visual issue with grass appearing too dark in some situations.
  • Added missing Crouch Fire animation to the Energy Pistol.
  • Air Compressors no longer have durability.
  • Fixed an anomalous issue where Hydroplant workers were, in fact, being caught dead in Engineering attire. Ridiculous!
  • Fixed a spot in a corner of a Laser Lab where the level would unload.

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