
From Abiotic Factor Wiki
Jump to navigation Jump to search Hotfix is an update released for Abiotic Factor on June 27, 2024.


GATE staff have made several improvements to the filters used in the Facility, which may affect the appearance of the Fog phenomenon. The Fog is still an impenetrable and disturbing substance, and we would like to remind all scientists that the Fog is indeed, foggy. Stay vigilant.

  • Fog density during Fog Weather is now slightly reduced, darkened, and there is now slightly increased visibility in the first meter (give or take.)
  • A side effect of the filtration process has caused the Fog Weather to increase its density of particulates in the air. Some tests have noted this may help with potential motion sickness some scientists experience. The team reminds you to turn down your camera shake settings in the Accessibility Options menu if you struggle with motion sickness.
  • Weather can now occur more frequently than once per week.
  • Weather is now about 10% more likely than before.

NOTE: There are plans to make weather frequency a tweakable Sandbox Setting and we are aware weather can be quite long for those with very long days. We will address these in a future update.

IS-0407 has changed a bit. Spoiler for those who have not yet encountered this entity.

  • While other enemies will flee when IS-0407 comes out during the fog, your pets will no longer do this. However, if you want to keep Mr. Picklebun alive, I would recommend keeping him caged up during the Fog.
  • Slightly increased damage dealt by IS-0407.
  • New roll hit sound for IS-0407.

Various other changes and fixes have been made in response to feedback and our own personal whims, and boy, do we have some whimsy.

  • Fixed VOIP microphone device dropdown not having any options. This should be the cause of several VOIP issues that have been reported.
  • Ornate Key drop rate slightly increased.
  • The new Sigil of the Hearth Trinket now has a proper icon, description, and its status effect should be obviously stated.
  • Porcelain Key drop rate slightly increased.
  • Fixed a bug that was allowing guns to be repaired with measly Duct Tape.
  • The Water Filter no longer requires researching/inventing once unlocked.
  • Abe & Janet will now give their character compendium unlocks when speaking to them later on, in case an adventurous scientist had missed them.
  • Scientists who are max level in a given skill will now properly receive any new recipes for that skill when their save is loaded, whereas previously this only triggered on a new level up. You can now have your cake and eat it too.
  • Updated icon for Peccary Sow Skull.
  • Added missing default controller keybind for Continence Minigame.
  • Added missing default controller keybind for UI Take All action.
  • Fixed Dr. Stewart's wayward wardrobe.
  • Fixed an issue where the held item would appear when using sit emote and switching items.
  • Item Stand items should no longer receive the painted texture when the item stand is painted.
  • Removed durability from several new items that weren't supposed to have durability.

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