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0.8.2 is an update released for Abiotic Factor on February 1, 2024.


Gameplay Changes

  • Loot spill bags are now saved properly with other objects, so scientistsshould lose less of their items when containers are broken.
  • Increased assault (base raid) cooldowns.
  • Soup Recipes are now unlockable (by creating them on a stovetop) and theserecipes now show on the crafting screen. They can not be crafted from thisscreen, however.
  • Carts can now be packaged, which should help if you've managed to get itreally stuck, and you know who you are.
  • Removed ability to interact with rope ladders while seated, leading tosome... paranormal activity.
  • Improved cart turning and other movement rules when on slopes and aroundcertain objects.
  • A scientist's corpse will no longer try to snap-to-ground or otherwise fallinto pits, which should prevent it getting stuck in weird spots undercertain circumstances.
  • Gasesous Nests should now feel a bit smoother and more responsive toclients.
  • Moveable carts and office chairs now react with Gaseous Nests.
  • Added a new character head to the game, Douglas.

Trait / Skill Changes

  • Lead Belly: This trait no longer blocks sickness from raw food and toxicsoups, but will still allow the drinking of Tainted Water.
  • First Aid Skill - Rad Remover: The Pentetic Acid Syringe recipe should nowunlock properly.

Environment Changes

  • The GATE Cascade Workplace Safety Team has added some new High Voltagesignage to better indicate certain electrical hazards.
  • Various seams around the Facility have been filled.
  • A few elevator buttons have shifted around a bit.

Construction Changes

  • GATE field scientists have reported strange anomalies when trying toconstruct furniture or other deployables in the various portal destinations.We're happy to announce we have worked out the interference and buildingshould now be completely unrestricted inside Portal Worlds. Scientist-placeddeployables should no longer reset or get removed when Portal Worlds reset,meaning you can also now build permanent bases, defenses, traps, or pathwaysin these locations.
  • Building is still not allowed directly near the entrance of a Portal Worldso they can't be accidentally blocked by scientists.
  • When Portal Worlds reset, this is now stated in game chat and will indicateif something did not reset due to active scientist presence.
  • Removed the ability to stack deployables on top of a few specific smallerdeployables.
  • Simple wooden Bridges can now be built once again.
  • For scientists who participated in early playtests, you may find some slightchanges to bridge placement, but largely similar to before. A new generalrule is that bridges can no longer use other bridges or furniture as a validsupport and will need something a bit more sturdy. We will continuemonitoring these bridges, and balancing fun with function.

Enemy/NPC Changes

  • Most NPCs now have shorter memories and will no longer stalk hiding/escapingscientists for nearly as long.
  • Caged Pests can now be evicted from cages.
  • Pest Trap states are now saved properly.
  • Fixed some NPCs not wandering after losing their target.
  • When a scientist is present, enemies of different factions will now amongst one another more often even if they're aware of the scientist,instead of ignoring one another and solely focusing on the tastyscientist.
  • Reduced cases where NPCs might be able to grab scientists through solidsurfaces, such as walls.
  • NPCs will now more aggressively break furniture if its in the way ofreaching their primary target.
  • NPCs will now correctly open doors when they're supposed to, in many morecases, especially combat.

UI Changes

  • Shrunk size of journal icon in top right, no longer should overlap withrecipe pins.
  • Updated Lead Belly icon to be more uh, streamer friendly.
  • Improved some issues around switching between containers and inventory,which would sometimes disable certain functionality or hotkeys.

Tutorialization Changes

  • There have been some additions to tutorializing which enemies can be killed,and which... perhaps can not.
  • Watering plants is now better explained, with new helpful text visible whenviewing unwatered garden plots.
  • There is now a new tutorial popup when accessing a large Portal World forthe first time, which explains some mechanics of Portal Worlds. As always,these can be dismissed by holding E (interact).
  • Bench Upgrades now have a small UI popup when they become available, tobetter remind scientists they can indeed upgrade their benches.

Various Bug Fixes

  • Accessing the Escape menu while viewing the Respawn Menu, and then closingthe Escape menu, should no longer keep the cursor hidden.
  • Fixed the Item Transporter bench upgrade not properly detecting certainnearby containers, such as Medkits and Toolboxes.
  • Fixed an issue where assaults (base raids) would be occurring morefrequently than intended.
  • Fixed issue where shield could unholster while using a vehicle.
  • Fixed character backpack rotating sideways while using terminals.
  • Fixed Lead Vest doing some strange visual things during certainanimations.
  • Ziplines no longer allow players to save location while riding them.
  • Pour/Fill animations should no longer play when an interaction doesn't takeplace.
  • Fixed some cases where NPCs could be found upright/not dead when they aremost certainly dead.
  • Scientists can no longer gain Fortitude XP from friendly damage,particularly from deployables.
  • Fixed a bug where less XP was gained for Crafting the higher Crafting skilla scientist had.
  • Scientists can now be grabbed by enemies while seated.
  • Fixed Gaseous Nests not correctly launching items or vehicles forclients.
  • Shivs are no longer anomalous anti-gravity devices that magically make yourinventory lighter.
  • Fixed a bug where Batteries were not showing nearby power radius properlywhen trying to deploy them.

Spoiler Changes

  • Improved lighting various spots ofFlathill to better guide ourbrave scientists through the unknown.
  • Fixed a spot where scientists could get stuck inFlathill server room area.
  • Flathill library has had somelayout tweaks, resulting in more places to escape and hide.
  • Added missing inventory icons forArcade Table and Arcade Stool.
  • Composers are just a bit lessgrabby now.
  • Fixed at least one missing item that should have been dropping in certaincases. We will not elaborate.
  • The makeshift Pipe Pistol nowhas a shorter delay, 0.5 seconds down from 0.75 seconds.
  • Quest text updated for Flathill Power Cells.

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