Community Update 1

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Jump to navigation Jump to search Community Update 1 is an update released for Abiotic Factor on May 22, 2024.


Dynamic Difficulty Changes

In order to alleviate some challenges faced typically by solo players, we have made many adjustments to the game when only one player is present in the Facility. These are Facility-wide, so two or more players splitting up will face the same challenges as before. As always, we recommend scientists work together to succeed!

  • Enemies are now slightly more forgiving when fighting only one player. This is a fairly subtle change but creates larger space for a solo player to deal with multiple enemies, as well as stand a better chance going toe to toe.
  • This will also affect players in co-operative games when fighting enemies one-on-one.
  • Many enemy spawn locations are no longer used if there is only one scientist in the Facility. This is typically done on extraneous spawns, and not critical spawns or spawns that were previously very lucrative for farming a specific type of resource, however, as always your mileage may vary.
  • Some spawn points are also no longer used if there are only two scientists in the Facility, in places where we identified excessive challenge for duos, but these are done so sparingly.
  • Peccaries are generally less likely to spawn in places where a Peccary or Pest can spawn. (This affects all games, not just solo players.)

Cart Recovery

Warren has installed a button for recovering Platform Carts. This will package all of the carts items, as well as the cart itself, and deliver it to a location near the button. Use wisely!

  • This should save a lot of carts (and their supplies) sitting at the bottom of pits, for example.
  • More long-term fixes are being investigated.

Save Backup System

  • A save backup system has been added, creating rolling world save backups, up to 5 backups, every 30 minutes.
  • Detection is now in place for corrupt saves, or saves that have been accidentally replaced by the player when prompted to load data from Steam Cloud.
  • More specifics on what this is and what you can do to prevent world save loss can be found in the main Steam post.

Repairing & Salvaging Improvements

  • Repair Benches now gain the Item Transportation abilities of nearby Crafting Benches with an Item Transporter equipped.
  • This effect works around the Repair Bench, not the Crafting Bench, but the Crafting Bench must be close by.
  • Repairing and Salvaging can now be done in succession, meaning click once on the button, then click on all the items you want to affect. RMB will cancel the action, as will clicking on the Repair or Salvage buttons. This will make it slightly easier to accidentally salvage items, so be careful!
  • Updated icons for Repair and Salvage and added some sound effects.
  • There are still some bugs here, but mostly working in your favor, so we'll just ignore them for the time being. Enjoy the smoother repair/salvage experience! We have more on the way.

Gameplay Changes

  • Fixed an issue where tamed pets wouldn't deal full damage to enemies.
  • Armor Stands can now be damaged by hostile entities.
  • New Recipe: Bionic Legs
  • Item Stands are no longer placeable on any orientation of surface, as this was not intended. (We have a wall-mounted stuff coming a bit later and it will display things in a different orientation.)
  • Crafting Benches can now be given a custom name.
  • Personal Teleporters now show the synced Crafting Bench name, if it has one.
  • Makeshift Storage Crates are now paintable.
  • Bagwalls are now paintable.
  • Tri-Lamps, like their wall counterparts, can now be colored with paint.
  • Brown is now a properly supported paint color on more deployables than it previously was.
  • Thanks to the genius of modern science, water can now be poured directly into cooking pots on the stove.
  • Platform Carts now function with Distribution Pads, so just drive on over it to deliver your goods into nearby crates!
  • Various improvements to signage around the entrance to Anteverse 23.
  • Crafting Bench waypoints can now be seen from much further away.
  • Enemies of different factions now deal slightly higher damage to each other, so you shouldn't see infighting last quite as long as it had before.
  • Tripwire Mines are no longer stackable. Any existing stacks will remain, but new stacks will not be created.
  • Optimized Fire Spear particles.
  • Balanced some audio of certain NPCs that were a touch too loud, or a touch too quiet.
  • Splints and Bandages will now attempt to heal the most critical issue first, but can still fail under very specific conditions.
  • Updated appearance of Fertilizer tiers.
  • Added "Pick up to gain new ideas!" text to most applicable world resources as well.
  • Various localization strings have been updated.
  • Do try and stay away from the fog.

Facility Changes

  • Improved several indications of where to go once reaching the Control Center. IS-1057 strikes again!
  • There are some reports that the Gravity Dampener has a tendency to reappear at its original location after awhile. Perhaps this anomaly can be used to the benefit of several scientists.
  • Installed a power socket in the Manufacturing West Garage Tram Station.
  • Fixed a misaligned ventilation duct.
  • Warren reminds you to not try and steal his canned peas. He's got a gun, you know.
  • Swapped the position of two Manse holograms in Containment Wing.

Portal World Changes

  • The Rise Bio-Laboratory now has a handful of power sockets, for those who enjoy life at the top.
  • Something arcane appears to be protecting the creatures beyond the Red Chair. They will no longer flinch when struck. Best to just give up and not look for an escape.
  • Updated some signage in Flathill that was not up to our standards.
  • Optimized the clamoring citizens of Anteverse 23.

Entity Changes

  • Fixed various issues with certain entities being erroneously attracted (or not attracted) to the Crafting Bench when they should not (or should.)
  • To better aid with tracking and trapping of IS-0091, Dr. Thule has installed an X-Resonator. What's that? Don't worry about it, but the end result should be that IS-0091 is much more reliable in its appearance-rate and should drastically increase a bold scientist's ability to attract it when such an outcome is... desired.
  • Improved Pest Ragdolls because those little guys deserve to wiggle.
  • Some entities may now make a reactive noise when hit by a net.
  • The citizens of Anteverse 23 now have a more accurate timing on their melee attack.

Item Changes

  • New Shield: Kite Shield
  • The Desk Leg has had its durability and damage increased, but as it is flimsy, it is still rather likely to take durability damage when hitting targets.
  • The Pipe Club is now sturdier and has a lower chance to take durability damage when striking targets.
  • Tripwire Mines should now properly use and store their ammunition, and save with world saves.
  • Updated light-up effects on the handheld X-Ray Lamp.
  • Some additional critical items will no longer despawn even if left unattended on the ground.

Gun Balancing Changes

There's a whole thing in the Steam post about why we're making these changes and our philosophy behind it all, so be sure to read it!

  • Increased SMG durability from 25 to 35
  • Increased SMG damage from 25 to 30
  • Reduced SMG max bullet spread from 3 to 2.8
  • Reduced SMG recoil from 3 to 2.8
  • Increased SMG magazine size from 15 to 18
  • Decreased Security Pistol (and Flashlight variant) damage from 28 to 26
  • Decreased Pipe Pistol fire shot delay from 0.5 to 0.3 seconds
  • Weapons and ammo should drop just a bit more frequently from Order troops.
  • We asked the Order Sniper rather politely if he could give you his rifle, and he has thus far refused. He must be holding onto it for something important.

Achievement Changes

  • Added new achievement: Engineering Success: Collect all of the Manufacturing Uniform
  • If you already have the customization, this can be gained by going to the same place you found it previously, and there's more customization to unlock when you do!

Dedicated Servers

  • Dedicated Servers now load into an initial Server Loading Level before spinning up the main Facility load. You may see this in the logs, but it's largely not going to change your experience as a server owner in any significant way.
  • Text chat messages are now shown in the server log.
  • Dedicated Servers can now set a custom AsyncTimeout value so particularly slow servers can still launch the world before timing out. More information on this can be found on the Dedicated Server Wiki.[github.com].
  • Dedicated servers now validate and restore their world save before loading into the Facility.

Crash Fixes

All crash fixes are "potential" until proven resolved, especially since many crashes are quite hard to reproduce without very specific setups or configurations. We hope you find things a bit less crashy now, if you were one of the unfortunate scientists experience a crash. If you do experience a crash, please send us your crash report![form.jotform.com]

  • Put in a fix one of the more common crashes experienced during gameplay.
  • Put in a fix for a major crash on startup (SECURE CRT crash).
  • Put in a fix for a crash that could occur when dismantling objects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some water volumes that didn't properly have underwater visual effects applied.
  • Fixed a bug where time could get stuck paused if player count was read unreliably.
  • Fixed an anomaly where Power Sockets in Portal Worlds would disconnect from the devices plugged into them.
  • Fixed various subtitle typos.
  • Fixed various items with variations (e.g. paintings) not displaying their correct name.
  • Fixed a bug where the Dioxohealer would count dead plants as alive, or vice versa.
  • Fixed a bug where Tarasque Ichor could drop inside a wall when the body was cut up by scientists. It will now try and not do that so often.
  • Fixed a bug where Thorns damage from Carapace armor set could kill the user or feedback off of other Carapace-enjoyers. It was a whole thing and should no longer be a whole thing.
  • Fixed a typo on a sign about traffic height.
  • Fixed an issue where some NPCs could receive debuffs and never lose them.
  • Fixed some orientation issues with items on Item Stands.
  • Fixed an issue where particles on held items would duplicate every time they were brought out.
  • Fixed an issue where containers were generating less loot than intended.
  • Fixed missing paint color when holding a paint brush.

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