
From Abiotic Factor Wiki
Jump to navigation Jump to search Hotfix, is an update released for Abiotic Factor on May 13, 2024.


Repairing Items

  • Fixed a major issue with Sandbox Item Durability Multiplier which was mishandling some values and not being properly accounted for in all transactions, such as crafting and salvaging. All durability has been switched to use a new, less volatile system, which will allow servers to change this setting in the future without their items having greatly inflated numbers and without being created in a broken or damaged state.
  • NOTE: Saves currently using high durability multiplier values may find their items are now exceptionally high values. The easiest way to solve this is to either destroy/salvage that item or simply enjoy the new inflated value. All further crafted and salvaged items should have the correct values, however.
  • Hammers now repair a percentage of the furniture’s total health, rather than hit points. This means that repairs now take a more consistent amount of time across various objects, and are consistent regardless of Durability Multiplier Sandbox settings.

Server Browser Changes

  • The Server Browser now shows up to 10,000 servers instead of 1,000. Thank you to every scientist who made this a problem we needed to solve!
  • Entering a server password will now properly censor the password as it is being typed to help protect our scientists from prying eyes. There is a button to show the password, but be sure to not press this while streaming!
  • We’ve updated the Steam Server Version, meaning that servers from previous updates will no longer show in the Server Browser. Please update your Dedicated Servers if you want them to show in the Server Browser!

General Patches

  • Time no longer passes while in the Introduction, meaning that new scientists will no longer be seemingly trapped on the elevator for hours on end.
  • Our stealthiest scientists are no longer able to stealth-roll in their sleep. You’re good but you’re not that good!
  • Cement Bag Walls are no longer anomalously reproducing and now return the same amount of cement required to craft them.
  • Scientists can no longer find themselves getting stuck in that one spot under the stairs in Silo 3. Thanks for the reports!
  • Scientists will no longer be trapped by opening a shutter below a vent path in the Manufacturing West Garage.
  • IS-0178 variants have begun appearing more frequently in the Mycofields.
  • Item Stands are now categorized as Furniture! Surprise surprise.
  • Fire Suits have had a correction to their shiny material.
  • IS-0139 no longer glows white, instead of its normal color.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the shiny bits on The Order.
  • Item Stands are now categorized as Furniture! Surprise surprise.
  • Fire Suits have had a correction to their shiny material.
  • IS-0139 no longer glows white, instead of its normal color.
  • Fixed a visual issue with the shiny bits on The Order.
  • Removed collision from Healing Briefcases which could cause scientists to get stuck or dropped through elevator floors.
  • When scrapping a weapon with ammo inside it, the ammo will now attempt to go into your scientist’s inventory rather than quietly fall onto the floor and getting lost.
  • Vacuums no longer cause recoil when firing. Don’t worry, the suck is still just as powerful.
  • Wristwatches got a bit of a visual upgrade.
  • Deployed Antelight Plants will no longer block movement.
  • SMGs now have sound effects when being reloaded.
  • The Mega Couch now has its own fancy icon in your inventory.

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