"The First Week" Update

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Jump to navigation Jump to search "The First Week" Update is an update released for Abiotic Factor on May 10, 2024.


Customization Changes

  • New Fabric: 'Launch', celebrating a very successful first week!
  • Dr. Janek went down into the Anning Containment Block and hasn't been seen since. If you manage to find him worse for wear, please recover his Containment-level ID Card.

Facility Changes

  • Several changes have been made to the Helmholtz pathing to make it a bit more obvious.
  • IS-1057 has been spotted in this area, please be cautious and remember to wash your hands if you come into contact with it.
  • The keypad in the Labs Control Center that accesses the Helmholtz Lift is now just a regular button.
  • Made a certain button in Dirac a bit harder to miss.

Gameplay Changes

  • Officer Warren has heard your feedback and installed a mechanism to disable the auto-timer for the Security Shutters on Level 2. Unfortunately, Warren is an incompetent fool and it appears to be broken. Perhaps you can fix it, instead.
  • Scientists wearing suits will now feel a bit more like they are indeed in a stuffy suit, with a hazmat frame showing around their view and some breathing audio to boot. This breathing is disabled if the Misophonia option is ticked.
  • Added Drop Item hotkey in Inventory (G) for those large-cranium inventory managers.
  • Pinned Recipe items will now highlight in gold when viewed on the ground/in world to better indicate their coveted status.
  • This feels like a good time to remind Twitch streamers they can unpin recipes from the Crafting Menu at any time if their HUD is feeling a bit cluttered.
  • Added some logic to show holster/block item action prompts on HUD when using and holstering off-hand shields.
  • The Medium Garden Plot now uses water more efficiently.
  • Salvaging items will no longer repair the base items but instead trade the durability from the parent item.
  • Crafting a broken item from a broken item will no longer repair the item and will instead transfer the durability of the primary item in the recipe.
  • Security Pistol and Security Pistol FL have received a slight increase to their durability. This may not take effect on previously found/crafted items.
  • Many Compendium tweaks, including removing some entries that cannot currently be accessed.
  • Optimized netcode when firing weaponry, especially full-auto weaponry.
  • Jiggled around some graphics sliders to eek out a couple more frame rates.

Entity Changes

  • IS-0139 now has an animation when netted.
  • Security Robots now have more correct attack ranges, particularly for their behind 180-spin attack.
  • CAUTION: Security Robots are no longer intimidated by the presence of a Crafting Bench when attempting to exit their pod.
  • Fixed Peccary sliding around during their charge.
  • Fixed Peccary exploding after they are dead.
  • Reduced tendency for enemies to get stuck on wooden crates.

Item & Recipe Changes

  • Thule turned off an electrical conductor in the Labs, which was pulling some extra electrons used by your Electrothrower. The Electrothrower now does 18 damage per strike, down from 20, and now has a slightly lower chance to stun targets.
  • The Electrothrower can no longer accrue Accuracy XP, because let's face it, you're not really aiming this thing.
  • Fire, Bleeding, and Electric damage can no longer stagger enemies on their own (stuns are still a separate mechanism, in this case.)
  • The Makeshift Headlamp is now easier to craft.
  • The Makeshift Headlamp now has 700 battery, up from 300.
  • Slightly reduced the weight of all shields across the board.
  • Renamed Silver Chain to Exquisite Chain and changed the description a bit to avoid confusion.
  • Made Gumdrop Cookies more obvious when burnt.
  • Stewed Peccary and Mushrooms has been shortened to Peccary Stew.
  • Potatoes can now be planted.
  • There have been several new recipes added for Cheese and Potatoes.
  • Item Stands can now be crafted and will display items. Deployables will display inside their deployable item box, so you will still want to deploy your fun collectibles on their own, typically.
  • Add something wearable, possibly related to "Ebgguh." (Criss made me put this in here, I don't know what it means.)
  • All collectible statues and bobbleheads can no longer lose durability.
  • Removed Fatigue gain from pie slices.
  • Increased harvest quantity of Tomatoes, Potatoes, and Lettuce.
  • Updated texture on Makeshift Bolts.

Accessibility Changes

  • Arachnophobia now properly hides certain "spider" legs even during effects. If the setting is changed during combat, it will update to the new setting once the entity performs its cloak/attack action.
  • Various localization strings have been updated.
  • Fixed a very specific Russian localization issue, which called a story-critical item by the incorrect name and caused a lot of confusion. Tarasque Ichor is no longer called Tarasque Exor.
  • The P key can now be properly bound and no longer opens the Escape Menu.

Portal World Changes

  • Rise has received an audio pass, and by that, we mean BWEEEE-OOOOOOOOH BWEEEE-OOOOOOOOH BWEEEE-OOOOOOOOH
  • Removed some Anteverse Wheat in the ground in Far Garden.
  • Fixed durability and other stats being incorrect on the many hats that drop from the undead citizens of Anteverse 23
  • Fixed a floating-hair issue to the above.
  • Addressed a report of an anomalous floating firearm aboard IS-0138. Dr. Hammond would be pleased, if he didn't have more important things to attend to.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Duct Tape repair is not useable from containers.
  • Dr. Manse has sent out an email berating the Containment Team for incorrectly filing several entities under the wrong IS number. If you see any erroneous IS numbers, please report them immediately. The only exception is IS-0093, which as you know, is not real.
  • Fixed an issue where the would be aggressively attracted to the Crafting Bench during night time, despite having no interest in crafting or benches. He has told us many times his favorite hobby is lunchtime and we believe him.
  • Dr. Mayfield previously would stop talking to you at some point, but we've encouraged her to speak her mind, and we personally think she has good, Nobel-prize winning ideas.
  • Fixed an issue with some food items (e.g. potato) not properly updating when cooked.
  • Fixed the way some items are held in third person
  • Fixed stuck spot in the abandoned camp in the Mines.
  • Fixed a hole in a maintenance hallway near the Data Farm.
  • Fixed issues where Scuttlebugs now have proper death effects and no longer show when they are not there (mostly for clients, but sometimes host too)
  • Fixed a crash caused by the Tram's Scientist Retention Field. This change will now reduce the possibility of two passing Trams ending the universe as we know it.
  • Fixed hosting preferences not correctly applying to hosting new games. This should prevent the Singleplayer-But-Not-Singleplayer issue.
  • Vehicle recall procedures now have a higher chance of succeeding. Thank you to all the scientists who submitted their Facilities for teleport anomaly evaluation by the Kinetics Team.
  • Fixed a power socket inside a wall in the Containment wing.
  • Added a fix for first-person arms getting stuck in a weird rotated state, and simply switching hotbar items should resolve this now if it occurs.
  • Various units from The Order will no longer block exit-access on toilet seats when dead. This would be the primary cause for several "I STUCK IN THE TRAIN'S TOILET" reports after using a toilet.
  • Stopped the Server Browser from searching until the menu is actually visible.
  • Fixed a bug where scientists could rejoin after being dead and suddenly find themselves alive with zero hit points.
  • Improved collision on one of the broken forklifts which could cause scientists to get stuck inside it. (Thanks for the report!)
  • Removed kick/ban buttons on F1 player list, since you can't click them and clients shouldn't see them anyway.
  • Made some major fixes to deployables disappearing due to accidental duplication of unique IDs.
  • Completely disabled Motion Blur on all graphics setting levels until we figure out how we want it to work with our art style. Besides, nobody really likes Motion Blur. (This is a joke, please don't write mean things on the forums.)
  • Fixed subtitles getting out of sync when the game is paused.
  • Fixed buff name on Carbuncle Crest.
  • Several items missing icons (indicated by a checkered cube) now have their appropriate icons.
  • Removed The Exor Heart's teleportation for scientists who are sitting or using ladders.
  • Fixed a bug where the driver of a Moveable Cart might get reset to a previous location when moving between areas.
  • Food decay can no longer be repaired at the Repair Bench.
  • Fixed an issue where soup and pie portions were not being set correctly in some instances.
  • Prudent Plucking perk will no longer add additional items on things that aren't even meant to be stackable, such as Antelight plants.
  • Fixed a bug where returning to a previous menu while hosting can corrupt a world save.
  • Fixed various issues with overlapping healing briefcases.
  • Fixed many food items (such as whole pies) showing useless or incorrect hunger/thirst data.
  • Fixed Mashed Potatoes soup recipe.
  • Fixed issues with Homey Pasta and Stewed Peccary soups.
  • Fixed Antepasta turning soup toxic.
  • Fixed floating buckles on the Rat Suit.
  • Fixed some floating concrete barricades in Manufacturing West.
  • Fixed several holes in the floor throughout the Facility. (Thanks for the reports!)
  • Added additional safeguards to early-game in regards to running out of duct tape or tech scrap before crafting the correct items.
  • Fixed an issue were Trams would destroy furniture above or below them, violating several laws of physics.
  • Fixed some typos in journals and subtitles.
  • Removed a poorly-timed and confusing Journal entry in the Labs.
  • Fixed a spot where reality would unload when walking atop one of the containment cells.
  • Reduced the frequency of doors being manipulated by unknown entities.
  • Fixed a blank icon in the Journal sector map.
  • Fixed an issue where entities respawns were not properly keeping track of their cooldowns which could cause early or late respawns.
  • Fixed an issue where the durability on a Robot Charging Pod would prevent it from spawning properly.
  • Fixed an issue where entities would use their secondary spawn locations instead of the first one, even when seeing them for the first time. This would result in cases where entities are not in the correct place for teaching player mechanics early on, and so on.
  • Fixed a bug where stamina would get in a weird state after using Heavy Melee Weapons.
  • Fixed some audio that was not properly redacted. Sorry, the answer is never Nebraska.

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