Immurement Registry

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The Immurement Registry is a list of objects, beings, or locations that exhibit unnatural properties, compiled by GATE. Subjects and curiosities on the list are indicated with a "IS" number, which is short for "Immurement Subject". When they havent been added to the list yet but are up for consideration an "IC" number is used instead, which stands for "Immurement Candidate".

Deciphering Subject Info

The GATE Cascade Research Facility contains a number of anomalous subjects to be researched and secured. Through the scientific method and the efforts of their top scientists, GATE have devised an easy method of classifying each and every one they find.

Containment Echelons
Name Meaning
Jura Unassessable
Solutus Uncontainable
Thela Extreme Risk
Crucis High Risk
Sanc Known and controlled
Ordo Benign

"Solutus" is sometimes misspelled as "Solatus" in the Compendium.

Containment Echelons typically determine the danger and/or difficulty of containment for each subject, and are followed by the subject's designations in parentheses.

Abbr. Meaning Symbol
AG Aggressive Monster
AV Attentive/Responsive Ear
CA Camouflaged Splotchy Pattern
EH Extreme Hazard Exclamation Point
EN Harnessable Energy Hand Gripping Electric Current
EX External -
GW Gateway Swirling Pattern
HL Harmless Rabbit Over Heart
IF Infectious Germ/Bacteria
IN Invasive Cockroaches
IV Invincible Person Under Dome
KV -
LC Localized Concentric Circles
PY Psychic Eye
PS Passive Single Dot
TL Temporal Hourglass
R Relativistic Gravity Well

Designations are basic descriptors of a subject's attributes included alongside their Echelon. These are not mutually exclusive with each other, and most subjects have multiple.

Subject IDs

Immurement Subject ID Echelon (Designations) Classification Also Known As Description
IS-0003 Sanc (PY) Regent style top hat The Unwearable Hat Gives the wearer an overwhelming compulsion to remove the hat from their head. Harmless
IS-0010 Sanc (HL/LC) Mineral Glowing Shard A bright glowing gem. Personnel are advised not to stare at the shard during nocturnal hours. All experimentation requires a strict release form
IS-0012 Sanc (AV/AG/CA) Entity Dr. Cahn An entity impersonating a deceased researcher. Persistent in its attempts to convince staff to let it out of containment.
IS-0013 Crucis (GW/AG/IN) Habitat Tub of Blood A large metal tub of blood. Releases an aggressive humanoid entity during the night
IS-0014 Sanc (IV/TL) Ceramic Artifact Time Brake Slows time locally in a range of 3 feet, getting progressively stronger the closer an object gets
IS-0017 Crucis (LC/PY/EH) C-Hazard Amnesia Threshold A doorway that removes anywhere from days to years of a person's memory. Constructed from re-used ship materials
IS-0018 Crucis (CA/EH/GW) Victorian furnishing The Red Chair A chair that transports the user to a hostile Anteverse
IS-0023 Crucis (AG) Lifeform Darkwater Beast Aquatic in nature and repelled by radiation in the x-ray range. Originates from Anteverse 42.
IS-0028 Solutus (EX) Infinite Anteverse The Library A library that contains every possible permutations of a book
IS-0031 Thela (KV) Anteverse The Pool Room IS-0031 is off-limits to all GATE personnel, unless accompanied by tactical TR teams equipped in accordance with manifest GCRF-ISP-0018A, including IR and low-light observation equipment, or approved Gatekeeper staff.
Hydrophobic protective wear is encouraged and, pursuant to GISP3.2 provisions, all returning persons must submit to full-spectrum decontamination until further notice.
IS-0042 Solutus (IV/LC/HL) Unknown Entity The Lost Dog A dog that appears in 13 oil paintings of the nymph Callisto. The dog is not found in any of the original sketches of the paintings
IS-0052 Sanc (HL/LC/R) Relativistic Object Gravity Dampener Reduces gravity in a localized area. Keep away from perforations and gravitationally sensitive equipment
IS-0053 Jura (EN/IN) Carbonated Beverage Kizz Cola A soda obtained from a strange vending machine. Temporarily eliminates all hunger, thirst, and fatigue. Neurological effects are under study. Consumption not recommended
IS-0059 Solutus (AG/IN/IV) Entity Reaper An entity that is able to enter and exit locations at will, as well as transport individuals to Anteverse 39. Stunned or temporarily dispersed by high-energy electromagnetic radiation.
IS-0060 Jura (REDACTED) Secret Project All paperwork regarding IS-0060 must be filed in Sector 13. Security Officers must log the full name of the person who found it, as well as when they were made aware of it, and where the paperwork was found
IS-0064 Crucis (AG/IV) Lifeform Composer Large pale creatures that seem to compose melodies. Aggressive on sight. Linked to the Fog Phenomena of the Flathill township
IS-0078 Jura (IF/PY) Sonic entity The Earworm An unidentifiable song that infects the minds of listeners. Gradually causes insanity
IS-0083 Crucis (GW/PY) Arcade Cabinet ?
IS-0088 Ordo (HL/EN) Lifeform Scuttlebug A small, blind, skittish creature commonly seen in Anteverse II B. Hides in burrows when startled by sound.
IS-0091 Crucis (AG/IV) Lifeform Leyak A creature that hunts a singular person at a time, preventing others besides the prey from seeing it. If encountered, stare directly at it until it vanishes.
IS-0093 Sanc (IF/PY) Virus Belief Virus A virus that only affects those who believe it exists
IS-0094 Sanc (HL/IN/PS) Mineral The Creeping Crystal A constantly growing crystal. A harvesting system is in place to cull the growth. If this system fails for longer than 36 hours, incinerate the subject
IS-0098 ? Lifeform Mysterious Fish
IS-0099 Sanc (EH/LC/PS) Firearm Antique Shotgun Previously displayed anomalous effects. The weapon is to be considered highly dangerous
IS-0101 Crucis (EN/EH/TL) Data storage The Sun Disc Data access is impossible. Extremely hazardous. Suspected to be in possession of The Order (SOP)
IS-0102 Thela (EH/IF/IN) Pathogen The Love Potion Horrific effects on mammalian lifeforms. If personnel are exposed to the pathogen, they are to be prevented from leaving. Live fire is authorized
IS-0107 Thela (AG/IV/TL) Weapon The Time Bomb An impervious object that consistently grows by 0.1% every year with no signs of stopping. In 40,000 years, this could prove to be quite a threat. Has been launched into space as of 1985. Originated from Anteverse 7A
IS-0111 Sanc (LC/HL/PY) Lifeform The Minder Telepathically lures food, imparting a 'Feeling of wellness' to anything in an immediate area. Originates from Anteverse 21. Harmless
IS-0113 Ordo ? ? Turned permanently blue due to close proximity IS-0221.
IS-0121 Crucis (AG) Lifeform Tarasque No information known. Stand by as research is conducted
IS-0122 Thela (AV/AG/EH) Entity Shadowhopper Research on the subject is to be done remotely. Personnel are not permitted to enter the containment unit. Movement requires a full team of Gatekeepers
IS-0127 Crucis (CA/PY) Lifeform Living Snowman Subject is to be kept at -130 Celsius or lower at all times. Its hat must remain on its head at all times.
IS-0134 Crucis (AG/CA) Lifeform Yeti
IS-0138 Thela (EH/EN/R) Anteverse Train The Steam Engine Refers to both the Train and the Anteverse (Anteverse XI) it is contained within. Should the train stop for any reason, the results could be devastating
IS-0139 Crucis (AG/CA/IF) Crystalline Entity Crystalisk Bipedal spider-like entities with cloaking capabilities. Incredibly fast and incredibly deadly, but with a fragility that makes conflicts quick
IS-0142 Sanc (IN) Artifical Lifeform Reservoir Growth Originates from Anteverse XIII.
IS-0151 Thela (AV/EH/EN/IV) ? ? ?
IS-0155-A Ordo (EN/LC/PS) Biological Entity Entropy Flower Grows at a rapid rate due to the low entropy conditions of our universe. Originates from Anteverse 2
IS-0166 Jura (HL/R) Crystalline Artifact The Paperweight Weighs three times heavier when held upside-down. Believed to be in possession of The Order (SOP)
IS-0169 Sanc (R) Metallic fragment The Fragment Has no space-time presence, as well as no mass
IS-0171-A Sanc (AG/IN) Lifeform Carbuncle Starfish-like creatures that pull in their targets using a long tongue. 1st stage of the A2 metamorphic line. Originates from Anteverse 2
IS-0171-B Sanc (AG/IN) Lifeform Mushroom Carbuncle No information known. Stand by as research is conducted
IS-0172 Ordo (HL/PS) Metallic, decorative Pre-Human Artifact Carbon dated to ~1.2 million years ago. No observable effects. Unknown non-human origin
IS-0173-A Sanc (AG/IN) Lifeform Pest Limbless creatures that leap at targets. 2nd stage of the A2 metamorphic line. Originates from Anteverse 2
IS-0173-B Sanc (AG/IN) Lifeform Electro-Pest Similar to their standard variant, they are capable of leaping. Unlike the other, they create a large blast of electricity upon leaping. Far more dangerous
IS-0177 Jura (EX/GW/IN/R) 'Rifts' of light The Perforation Method of information transfer from Anteverse 2. No known defense
IS-0178-A Crucis (AG/IN/PY) Lifeform Peccary Quadrupedal hound-like creatures. Aggressive melee attackers. 3rd stage of the A2 metamorphic line. Originates from Anteverse 2
IS-0178-B Sanc (AG/IN) Lifeform Mushroom Peccary No information known. Stand by as research is conducted
IS-0184-A Crucis (AG/EN/IN) Lifeform Exor Bipedal creatures with ranged combat potential. A projectile weapon seems to replace their right hand. Capable of firing 'spines' at lethal speeds. 4th stage of the A2 metamorphic line. Originates from Anteverse 2
IS-0184-B Crucis (AG/GW/IN/R) Lifeform Exor Monk Bipedal creatures with ranged combat potential. Unlike standard Exors, they are able to blast enemies with psionic energy, as well as being far less armored. Originates from Anteverse 2
IS-0184-C Crucis (AG/IN) Lifeform Armored Exor Bipedal creatures with ranged combat potential. Has the same combat abilities as standard Exors, but are far more resistant to physical damage due to their dark blue armor. Originates from Anteverse 2.
IS-0202 ? Lifeform ? The skeletal remains of an anomalous creature found frozen in the ice in the Swiss Alps. Guarded by IS-0134.
IS-0207 ? Lifeform Inkfish An aquatic inhabitant of Anteverse 39. Discovered in a pool of dark, inky water.
IS-0221 Ordo ? ? Has the ability to permanently change the color of objects in close proximity over an extended period of time. The color of IS-0113 was inadvertently turned blue due to the subjects being stored close together in the limited space of Ordo Storage.
IS-0223 Sanc (AV/AG/CA) Entity The Coworker All staff are directed to treat IS-0223, if encountered, as a legitimate employee. Do not question or interrogate the subject. Provide with food if requested.
IS-0235 Solutus (CA/EN/IN) Unknown Tape Wisp Entity discovered in VHS Tapes of animated television series. Believed to subsist on high-contrast magnetic recordings. Endangered
IS-0299 Crucis (EN/IN/TL) Entity Nocturnal Anomaly A floating ball of fire resembling some depictions of a 'Will-o'-the-wisp'. Discovered shortly before the attack on the Cascade Facility. Not much is known at this time
IS-0333 Ordo (HL/PS) Plant Space Lettuce A plant from Anteverse XXI with mushroom-like qualities and 'leaves' similar to lettuce. Remarkably edible.
IS-0407 Thela (AG/IN) Lifeform Symphonist A smaller, more agile "cousin" of IS-0064.
IS-0513 Sanc (LC/PY) Furniture The Hate-Inducing Table A table very generic in appearance, but that inflicts a severe feeling of hatred upon a subject visually perceiving it
IS-0700 Jura (AV/LC/PY) Unknown The Presence No research is permitted. Staff are prohibited from entering the area
IS-0855 Sanc (EX/GW/TL) Anteverse The World in the Mirror
IS-1057 Jura (IN/LC) Paint Yellow Paint A can of incredibly volatile and unpredictable yellow paint. Exact methods of containment are still unknown